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Flowers are a way of showing your appeciation & gratitude, to someone that has helped you of just been there for you in your time of need  & will be remembered by the recipient as a wonderful gesture, Bundaberg Florist delivering fresh flowers daily,



T1   "Your Wonderful"- Bright mix of Flowers, _$79.50 DElivered

T2   "In Appreciation"-Pretty pinks mixed  arrangement $69.50 Delivered

T15- Thank You for you Hospitality ...$79.59 Delivered

Thank You Flowers

FC1  Florist Choice Bouquet-$59.50 

J1  Much Love- very delicate & pretty $69.50 

T4   Just Because -Has a touch of elegance ...$69.50 Delivered

T5  "Just to say Thank You "-Gerbra Arrangement &  Chocolates-$77.50 Delivered


T6   Overwhelming -$69.50 Delivered

B1   "Sunset"  Roses & Lilies arrangement $89.50

In appreciation ...

J6 "Big (((HUG'S ))) "Extra Large Mixed Bouquet- $99.50 Delivered

T3   Gratitude...Lovely bright mixed arrangement..choc a block with flowers $79.50 Delivered

V1 Asiatic Lilies in a Vase  $99.50 Delivered

T1- Modern Arrangement- $125.00 Delivered

W1- White Asiatic Lilies Chrisanthemums and greenery  also  in orange,Pink or Yellow depending on avalability .... $69.50

S22      a mix of white lilies, orange gerberas with fill flowers and greenery


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